Wednesday, March 13, 2013

February Days

 Miles turned 4 at the beginning of February. 
He loves turtles so I made a turtle cake to celebrate his special day- he loved it!

Making a wish!

 Miles had a fun Valentine's Day party at preschool. I was in charge of the Bingo center. We had a fun morning together!

The boys helped make this yummy, chocolatey cake for our Valentine's Day dessert.

 As you can see, Miles thought it was delish!

 While Grandma and Grandpa were in town we baked heart sugar cookies. Apparently we were too busy having fun with grandma and grandpa to get any pictures with them IN them!

 Miles had his 4 year well check and managed to get 4 shots without any tears so a celebratory donut was in order.

Miles takes his donut eating seriously.

Jack had a teacher work day at school, so we headed to Legoland in downtown Atlanta. The boys loved it! Here Jack is testing the earthquake sturdiness of his building.

 The boys love to rough-house. This before dinner wrestling match resulted in Miles' first black eye.

 Our birthday present to Miles was a big boy bed and dresser. One funny side note- now that Miles has a full size bed, he and Jack sleep in it together every night. This wasn't exactly our intention but it's worked out amazingly well. They asked if they could try sleeping in it together the first night after it arrived, and they both slept so well we've let it continue. It's pretty cute!

 We also bought a new rug for our living room. As if I didn't already love all things Costco, they show up with this bargain of a wool rug, in the perfect colors for our house (I love that dark red!).

Monday, March 11, 2013

Fun With My Sisters- Part 2

We continued celebrating the girls' birthdays all week long (just as it should be!)

 Exhibit 1: Birthday breakfast with mimosas- yum.

 Exhibit 2: Miles was a champ and spent one morning shopping at the mall with us. 
His only request, a ride on the mall train. Here we are- choo-choo!

 Exhibit 3: Julie worked her magic and got us floor tickets to see Pink on Friday night. Evan stayed home with the boys and it was truly a girls night out. So fun!

 At the Pink concert

Exhibit 4: On Saturday night, Evan cooked up his famous lobster dinner. We fed the kids (hot dogs!) first and then set them up with a movie while the 4 of us ate in the dining room. It was such a fun night. Of course no visit with my sisters would be complete without some competitive game playing. Beer pong, anyone?

Evan and I held our own against these two!

This was followed up by 2 rounds of Trivial Pursuit, pretty funny following the beer pong.

We had such a fun week together! When are you girls coming back?

Monday, March 4, 2013

These Girls Know How to Bring the Fun- Part 1

We were lucky enough to have both of my sisters fly out to Georgia for a visit last week. We crammed as much fun as possible into 5 quick days. Rumor has it that Julie took 3 naps on Sunday in order to recover ;)
The first night we were all together also happened to be Julie's birthday, so of course a little party was in order! We were also celebrating Kathryn's birthday which comes in just 2 more weeks. We (Jack) decided that the girls would love some Giants themed decor so we went with it.

Getting ready to blow out candles on our favorite chocolate chip cake. I think that someone in the Choy family requests this cake on their birthday each year.

 The boys were happy to help with the candles

 Miles didn't want to waste time using a fork on that delicious cool-whip!

 Time for presents...

Miles helped Kathryn open her package...

 and then modeled her new infinity scarf- looking good!

 A keeper of a birthday card

We love having these girls come to town!